Stained Grounds
I lived my life through coffee, leaving the last drops of each cup to forever dry to the bottom of the single-use paper cup; the moment of consumption now long past. But with these speckled brown patterns remaining affixed to the bottom of every cup I drank, I’m left with a visual document of my thoughts, feelings, and actions as I was feeding my addiction.


A Recent Change

Atlanta, Georgia

Awareness of My Addiction

Back to Normal

Deja Vu (Same Thing, Different Day)

Driving Two Hours in the Rain to See Old Friends and Make New Ones

Dublin, Ohio

Feeding The Addiction I

Feeding The Addiction II

Final Preparations (Two Week's Vacation)

How Not To Fret, At Least For Now

Hunting (for a photographic moment in Sunbury)

Interstate 70

Just Another 20 Hour Day At The Office

Just Another Day At The Office

Just Like Any Other Day

Meeting The Family

Midnight Inspiration

New Year, New Friends, New Beginnings

Nighttime Rendezvous

Passing Hurdles (It's Over!)

Success (The Weight Suddenly Lifting Off Your Shoulders)

Sunday Morning (1)

Sunday Morning (2)

The Stress of a Time Bomb Ticking from Within

Under The Weather

Unexpected Surprise

