Moving Colour @ Winchester Gallery
Really pleased to have two of my sculptures from Transcolorations on view in Moving Colour, an exhibition curated by Julia Vogl at the Winchester Gallery and University of Southampton

from the gallery:
Moving Colour is a multi-disciplinary group exhibition exploring phenomenological qualities in formal aspects of colour. The idea of static colour and pattern conveying emotional space is not new, and yet artists to this day are mystified by the Rubik’s cube of the proposition. Each artist’s work in this exhibition demonstrates a unique explorative path to capture the seemingly moving magic of colour.
Showcasing myriad artists’ investigations—from paint, print, sculpture, and film to participatory work that allows the visitor to share their views on weather and mood—Moving Colour will be a world in which viewers of all ages can have some fun and/or find a space for contemplation.
Featured Artists: Rana Begum, Carlos Cruz-Diez, Eleanor Lines, Jon Malis, Bridget Riley, Julia Vogl and David Whitaker.
Moving Colour is curated by Julia Vogl, Lecturer and Fellow in Printmaking in the Department of Art and Media Technology at Winchester School of Art.
With thanks to Frankie Whitaker, Cristea Roberts Gallery, and Southampton City Art Gallery.Public Opening:
Friday March 15th, 17:00–19:00Tuesday–Friday, 12:00–18:00
Saturday, 12:00–16:00